Joschi NYC
6 min readApr 20, 2020

With the COVID-19 pandemic, gyms and yoga studios everywhere are shut down and we are left to our own devices. Luckily, nicer weather is on the way and with that we have the opportunity to take our workout outside, which is actually a much better way to work out than being stuck in a stuffy gym anyways.

There is no denying the plethora of health and mental benefits that come with a regular workout routine. But sometimes life throws us a curveball and we need to adjust. Turns out, taking our workout outside and switching things up comes with some added benefits, you may not have considered before, so grab your sneakers and head outside to work out al fresco.

With a little imagination and creativity, you can replicate almost any exercise you do at the gym and as far as yoga is concerned, you can do it wherever, whenever anyways and don’t actually need to be at a certain place or need any equipment. And while bodyweight exercises are excellent to stay fit and healthy, we decided today to take our resistance bands with us to make things a little bit more interesting.

Keep in mind, taking your workout outside can exponentially increase the benefits of physical exercise because you combine two health and wellness activities all at once. You get your body moving and you get outdoors and the results are exceptional.

Let’s have a closer look at the additional benefits we get from working out in Mother Nature.

#1 Improved Mood / Natural Anti-Depressant

This is a very important benefit we all need right now. When you exercise outside, you get a much bigger boost to your mood and mental health than you could achieve in an enclosed environment like a gym. Several studies show that exercising outside reduces anger and depression and gives a big increase to our mood. This is partially due to the fact that we are exposed to sunlight, which increases the production of vitamin D, our natural mood-enhancing vitamin. And you don’t have to go crazy with your outdoors workout. Simply going for a 15-minute walk will dramatically improve your mood and leaves you feeling energized.

#2 Connecting with Mother Nature

Of course, taking our workout outside has the inherent benefit of connecting to Mother Nature. The power of nature is not to be underestimated. Trees, beaches, grass, parks, lakes, the sky, the sun, the birds… all contribute to helping you to feel more grounded. You deepen your connection to the environment and with that have more appreciation for the beauty that is all around you.

#3 Ease of Access

Of course, having to go to the gym can be a drag. We need to battle traffic, have to deal with parking spaces, crowded locker rooms and wait times to get to the machine or weights you want. Heading outside for your workout is always available — of course weather permitting. But you can power walk to the park and then you can hit your workout. And make use of everything that outdoors has to offer, benches, trees, trails, incline roads… all of which allows you to bring variety to your resistance training exercises.

#4 Changing Environment

Taking your workout outside has the added benefit of never getting bored. When you are on the treadmill or stair master at the gym, you most likely look at an array of TVs. But when you go outside to be physically active, you have a constantly changing environment in front of you that can be inspiring and motivating.

#5 Increased Energy

There has been quantifiable research that suggests that working out outside leaves you a lot more energized, revitalized and more engaged. Plus, the participants of the studies also reported that they enjoyed their workouts more and where more satisfied with the results. So head outside if you need a boost of energy. Just 20 minutes can give you as much energy as a cup of coffee.

#6 Harder Workout

The changing environment we mentioned earlier doesn’t just have mental, emotional and motivational affects on us, it also makes our workout more challenging. You constantly have to adjust to ever-changing surroundings like inclines, bumps or obstacles you may have to doge. This means, your body has to work harder and you get more out of your workout.

#7 Clean Air

Yes, there is air pollution, particularly in large cities and metropolitan areas. However, research from the Environmental Protection Agency shows that indoor air in gyms can be way more polluted than outdoor air ever could be. Plus, in our current state with the coronavirus, it is much safer to be outdoors than in an enclosed environment where the virus is trapped.

#8 An Extra Dose of Vitamin D

A recent study reveals that people who exercise outside have higher levels of vitamin D than their gym going counterparts. Vitamin D is essential to promote healthy bones and teeth, but it also supports a healthy immune system as well as brain and nervous system health. And as we all know, having a strong immune system is now more important than ever with the coronavirus pandemic everywhere.

#9 Burn More Calories

Believe it or not, but science has proven it. When you take your workout outside, you burn 10% more calories than when you were to run on a treadmill at the same speed. Plus, an added bonus of working out outside is that you get caught up in your environment and you are less focused on how tired you are or how much your muscles ache.

#10 Boost in Self-Esteem

The stimulation from nature also has a positive effect on our brain and a recent British study found that exercising outside can improve self-esteem. Keep in mind, outdoor activities can stimulate our five sense more than any indoor activity every could. We breathe fresh air, feel the ground underneath our feet, take in the colors, smells and sounds of nature. And with that we can’t help but feel better about ourselves and the world around us.

#11 Strengthen Your Immune System

We’ve mentioned vitamin D earlier to give a boost to our energy. But besides that, trees combat disease. The Japanese practice of forest bathing encourages people to go outside into nature not just for mental health benefits but also because trees have magical powers. Trees bathe or shower in an anti fungal, antimicrobial and antibacterial compound called phytoncides and when we inhale these phytoncides, our human body is triggered to produce a specialized white blood cell called NK cells, also known as Natural Killer cells. These NK cells improve immune strength and attack tumorous and cancerous growths in our body.

#12 Improved Attention and Focus

A study out of Illinois showed that people were able to concentrate better after they’ve taken a walk through the park compared to those who have been walking through a city or neighborhood streets. This shows us that our environment matters. It’s the greenness and lack of buildings that helps us to improve attention and focus and that’s what we can all use a little bit more of.

Besides the actual benefits of taking your workout outside, there are additional benefits that come from switching up your workout routine. You get a new boost to your motivation, keep things interesting, stimulate different muscle groups, avoid plateaus, keep your brain healthy, and add a whole lot of more fun to your workouts. And one thing is for sure, in times like this we are in desperate need of some fun!

For more outside workouts, check out ‘20-Minute HIIT Workout | Coronavirus Prevention to Stay Sane & Healthy‘.

Joschi & Monika

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Joschi NYC

Fitness | Yoga | JoschiNYC.com We help you to get out of your head and into your body ➡️ Yoga Teacher Training ➡️ Mind-Body Optimization Training